Good advice when applying for jobs in Sweden

Last updated 2025-03-26

If you want to apply for jobs in Sweden, you can find vacant posts in vacancy banks, check company websites or send an unsolicited application. You can find more tips on how to find your dream job in Sweden here.


This information is for EU/EEA citizens only


Looking for a job in Sweden

  • You can find vacant posts in Sweden through websites, such as the Swedish job database Jobsafari or If you live in Denmark, we advise you to only look for jobs to which you can easily commute from Zealand - that is to say jobs in Skåne.
  • Keep an eye on interesting companies/organizations by reading newspapers and searching on the internet. Which companies are planning to employ new staff soon?
  • Check company websites where you can often find current vacancies in the "Work with us" section.
  • Send unsolicited applications - a so-called "spontanansökan". Applications are sometimes saved for future needs.
  • "Knock on doors." In some sectors (e.g. sectors with a lot of customer contact), it can be a good idea to show up at the workplace with a CV and cover letter.
  • Register with some recruitment agencies.
  • Use different online job banks where you can add your CV.
  • Use LinkedIn and update your profile regularly. 

See vacant jobs on


See vacant jobs on


Public Employment Service - Arbetsförmedlingen

If you are looking for a job in Sweden, it is a good idea to start with the Arbetsförmedlingens website. There you will find the largest job bank in Sweden - Platsbanken - where you can search among thousands of public and private positions. Here you will find useful information on the state of the labor market in various industries. You will also find concrete tips on how to behave and act when applying for a job in Sweden and a useful list of descriptions of different professions.

Go to Arbetsförmedlingen's website


Go to Platsbanken


Other ways to find job vacancies

  • Social media: Social media like LinkedIn and Facebook are used more and more in job search contexts - particularly in the areas of business, marketing, communications, and new media.
  • Groom your network: If you have a large and well-functioning network, it increases your chances of finding a job. Try to find out if there are friends, family, acquaintances, or perhaps old colleagues who have connections to Sweden if you want to find a job on the other side of the Sound.
  • Unsolicited applications: Many companies post job vacancies on their website, but you can also send an unsolicited application if you have found a job position that you find interesting. 


Make sure you meet the requirements

All citizens from Nordic countries, including Denmark, can work in Sweden without a work permit. This applies to citizens from other EU/EES countries as well, as long as you meet some specific requirements.

Citizens from non-EU countries have to apply for a work permit before getting a job in Sweden. This also applies to non-EU citizens that have a working or residence permit in Denmark.

Read more about work permits in Sweden


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