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Termination - when you work in Sweden

Last updated 2024-05-21

The notice period in Sweden depends on how long you have been employed. If you resign from your position, there is usually a notice period of one month.


This information is for EU/EEA citizens only


Employment protection legislation in Sweden

In Sweden, there are rules on the rights of an employer about terminating an employee. The rules for termination are determined by the law in the “Employment Protection Act” (Lagen om anställningsskydd - LAS).

The rules of termination are therefore not contractual. You can have more advantageous termination rules in your employment than those provided in the Employment Protection Act, but you can never be worse off. Termination must always be in writing and it must be objectively justified. The employer must state the reason for termination upon request of the employee.


Notice period in Sweden

The length of the notice period depends on how long you have been employed. If you have been employed less than two years, the notice period is one month. If you have been employed for two to four years, you have a notice period of two months. Then one additional month is added every two years up to six months.

You must work as usual during the notice period and have your normal salary paid. Even if the employer cannot offer any work, they must pay full salary during the notice period.

If you resign from your position, according to the Employment Protection Act, you have at least one month’s notice - depending on your contract. You are not obligated to give any reasons.


Special termination conditions in Sweden

  • Termination by seniority: In the event of termination due to a lack of work tasks, the employer can dismiss employees in turn-taking based on their length of service with the company.
  • Probationary employment: Special rules apply for employees appointed on probation. If the employer wishes to terminate a probationary period, the employer must inform the employee at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • Neglect of work duties: An employee who has gravely neglected their work duties can be dismissed without notice. However, the warning must be issued at least 1 week in advance.


Appeal against termination

If you believe you have been unfairly dismissed, you can appeal against the termination. In that case, you should contact your trade union.


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