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Getting treatment from a dentist in Sweden

Last updated 2025-02-14

If you work in Sweden and need dental treatment, you can choose between the Swedish Public Dental Service (Folktandvården) or a private dentist.


This information is for EU/EEA citizens only


Subsidy funding for dental care in Sweden 

Almost all dentists are connected to dental insurance no matter if they belong to the Swedish Public Dental Service (Folktandvården) or the private sector. This means that everyone working or residing in Sweden receive a subsidy for the most common treatments. A "common dental treatment" is for example, filling holes, acute and preventive dental treatment. Prices can vary from place to place, because dentists in Sweden set their own prices. Therefore, always ask your dentist about the cost of treatment. You cannot get subsidies for fillings with amalgam. The contribution is distributed by age.


Where to find a dentist in Sweden

Region Skåne’s dental clinics are run by the Swedish Public Dental Service.


Find the nearest dentist in Skåne (in Swedish)


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