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Sickness benefits in Sweden and Denmark

Last updated 2025-02-14

When you work in Sweden, you are subject to the Swedish rules regarding sickness benefits. Försäkringskassan is the authority responsible for sickness benefits.


This information is for EU/EEA citizens only


Sickness benefits when you work in Sweden

You have social security in the country in which you are working. If you only work in Sweden, this is where you are covered by social security. This means that you are entitled to sickness benefits by Swedish rules when you are sick. You have to report sick to your employer, and in some cases, you have to submit a medical certificate.

Read more about sickness benefits in Sweden on försäkringskassan.se


Sickness benefits when you work in Denmark

You have social security in the country in which you are working. If you only work in Denmark, this is where you are covered by social security. This means that you are entitled to sickness benefits by Danish rules when you are sick. You have to report sick to your employer, and in some cases, you have to submit a medical certificate. Your employer is entitled to a sickness benefit refund from the municipality in which you are working.

Read more about sickness benefits in Denmark on Borger.dk


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